Friday, November 4, 2011

the subject was wrinkles

i wadded up a new fresh stiff piece of paper
and then i unwadded it.
it was all wrinkly but it was a little softer.
i wadded it up again and then i unwadded it.
i smoothed it out. it's wrinkles made it pliable.
i wadded it up again and again and it started to take on a different color.
it reflected light differently.
and it was so much more interesting
than the fresh stiff piece it had been.
the fresh stiff paper could take on someone elses rendering.
it could be what someone else thought it should be
but the wadded paper had it's own character.
a regular person came in the room.
they wanted the fresh white paper
so they could draw themselves on it
or turn it into a hat or a plane.
if they made a mistake, they would tear it up and throw it away.
they didn't want to have anything to do with the wadded paper,
because it was old and used.
but then
a remarkable person came into the room.
they looked at the stiff new paper and the old soft wadded paper.
and said, 'well, what have we here'?
the remarkable person picked up the wrinkled paper and held it to the light.
the remarkable person stroked the soft used paper and decided
this would be much better to wrap his precious gift in.
the end.

1 comment:

  1. I know for sure I am a regular person:::so this story really moved me!

    sloppy kisses,
