Tuesday, February 8, 2011


the first time i ever really heard my voice, was in the back cow pastures of a ranch in eureka montana.
it was beneath the big sky and at the foot of the rockies leading on into canada, that i first opened my wings with the ravens.
my voice came out. no one to hear but the cattle by the creek.
i cried the first time i heard it. i wept the first time i felt it springing forth out of the depths of my belly.
i was addicted.
every day i went out into the field and at the top of my voice, i sang all the songs i knew to the cows.
from that time on, singing is what i did.
it was who i was and what i carried with me.
through all the rest of my life -up until about 10 yrs. ago.

trials and sickness came.
they silenced me.
2 yrs. ago i told my youngest son, he may as well take my guitar home.
he wouldn't do it.

sunday, i sang. God put the fire in my belly once again.
my voice is scarred and husky, but the soul is there
and i will give praise to Him as long as i live.


    I felt like singing after reading your fine notes!
    Thank you, Lord, for guiding our gigi to the pasture + big sky!

    Gigi, you are so poetic; this story simply justifies your grace.

    Keep singing, sister.
    The time has come to light your lamp!

    “No one after lighting a lamp
    covers it with a jar
    or puts it under a bed,
    but puts it on a stand,
    so that those who enter may see the light.
    LUKE 8:16

  2. teri-
    thankyou so much my kindred spirit ♫♪♫♪

  3. I wish I was there to hear you sing! I think I might cry.
    So glad you dusted off the ole vocals and gave it another go.
    When I was in Hawaii, there was this little old hawaiian grandma that always played her ukeleli in church. You are never to old to make music.
