i've been a housewife just about my whole adult life.
when we were kids, our mom worked outside the home.
she had to. but things didn't work out well because of it.
we did things we shouldn't have done and things were done to us that shouldn't have been done.
and the way she gave cookies to eddie even though she knew he was up to somethin'.
i was never that kind of housewife.
i just couldn't cook in high heels and pearls.
i did wear a big ass apron though.
speaking of which-
you know that old question 'which came first the chicken or the egg'?
i got one for ya. which comes first, a big butt or not going anywhere?
i mean is it if you don't go anywhere, you get a big butt or if you get a big butt you don't wanna go anywhere?
this one has had me going around and around. (i hope you're laughing) if youre not laughing, you're probly stinkin skinny.
anyway, even though i've been a housewife all these years, i have found it to be rewarding.
it was very hard for me being a home mom and seeing others having 'careers'. they would say things like, 'it must be nice to be able to stay home'.
then the divorce happened. ( i think i got a little too frumpy)
for about a year after i lost 80 lbs on the devastation diet, and turned 40,
i was at the peak of my life! i felt like everyday was my birthday.
i went dancing again, concerts, traveled, had BIG dreams.
but then- i met a man. we got married.
the oldest was 14.
the youngest was 8.
i had 2 jobs and was slim and busy,
but the boys had all been through divorce and terrible life changes.
they were having a hard time adjusting, and leaving them home after school or wheneVer was DANGEROUS.
and you know- -we may not have been the best examples of parenting, but we have raised 5 wonderful men.
we were devoted.
though me not working was so hard financially.
one time, we went to get foodstamps.
the lady in the office, yelled at me and humiliated me.
they wanted us to sell our van so we could get money.
we have raised 5 gentlemen. hardworking citizens with ethics and morals. they contribute to this society.
i mean in the sense that i get no social security, i have no retirement or pension, no medical benefits, nothin-nada-zip.
i put my trust in the Lord though. He is the one who has brought us through it all.
He has taken care of us thus far and will take care of us as He will in the future.
i don't get riled about government stuff. too many things to get mad about. but
'i have a dream' (thankyou martin)
SOMEbody NEEDS to stay HOME! it's worth having a big butt for.
Dear June,
ReplyDeleteWhat a great life!
I remember singing out loud back in 1976, "I love my life, the farmer's wife...." A little song I made up at the time.
Can you tell I was YOUNG?
Was proud of my choice, and lifestyle, but it bit me in my butt, too.
We try hard to do what's right in our heart + soul, but the world is also made of dollars + nonsense, so we have to continue to keep our head above it all.......and learn bookkeeping!
Plus, if you keep your head up, you won't look down at your own butt.
If you re-read your words, do you see what your life has been made of?
Good choices, children, frolic, protection, prayers and crowded kitchens!
Wow. That's something!!
As a matter of fact, I always thought Heidi loved your son, because of his mom = YOU*
She thinks YOU are the COOLEST PERSON in the whole world.
I can't hold a candle next to you.....
So, you must have done something right.
Hey, I was saddened back then in 2001, thinking I failed as a mom, but instead of losing her to you = I got you, too!
And you've taught me so much.
Besides, today is today and we get to start out with a blank canvas, ready to create a new picture of our current selves!
And you look just like the fairy on the top of this page.
Perfectly adorable*
omg, one of the funniest, sweetest, heartwrenching and beautiful story...yours. i love it sweet Gigi. "worth having a big butt for" he he..that is always my dream as well. well, you know, someday. okay maybe not the big butt for but the big ass apron to go with it. Gigi, your contribution to the world far surpasses hood river oregon, all five of those boys and their girls and their extended families, and then their sisters and then their daydreams and their inspiration and then...there is your art. wow. Gigi, thank you for everything you do, your journey, your love, wisdom and the big apron and sense of humor all thrown in. love you!
ReplyDeletemost humbly yours. i am so blessed by my mountain ladies. kisses upon kisses.
ReplyDeleteMan, I think God mixed up our lives and gave the one I wanted to you. You...staying home, a housewife, baking pies, raising lots of kids, and chickens?, the city girl? and me, I was the farm girl. You never colored inside the lines. But me, I always did. I should have been the housewife and you can have the career. All I ever wanted was to marry Tom Dobberteen, raise some kids, have a garden, family, home, domestic....sound like your life? But that didn't work out for me. Got cheated on didn't marry him, married someone else, had two kids, moved to Wyoming, got cheated on again got divorced got to be a single parent who worked. Not a career. I got a job. We had to eat, pay bills. It might look like a career because I have been doing it for 20 some years but looking back it was not the path I would have chosen for me, but it happened. Would I change if I could? Yes and no. It has made me strong and independent and yet totally dependent on God. It is what He wanted and what I needed so I guess no and you didn't get my life after got the one you were suppose to get and I got mine. I would have never guessed June Cleaver for you...Joan Baez maybe. Pat Donley
ReplyDeleteWow 💖