Monday, March 12, 2012

billy and earl

billy bluejay stellar
and earl squirrel brown
lived in murphy's walnut trees
far above the ground

earl was a workaholic,
gathering night and day
while billy was a lazy cuss 
stealing where he may

                                                              earl squirrel found each nut
and buried them for later
but jay would follow, dig them up
and take them,  leaving craters

jay'd drop the nuts from way  up high
and listen to them crack!
then fly down to the open nut
 and eat them with a grrack!         chkchkchkchkchkchkchk.

                                                      earl squirrel ran in the road
(poor thing was such a clutz)
he died that day and mean old jay
cried 'blast! i'm outta nuts!"

1 comment:

  1. I'm simply in love
    with your blue + brown poem!!!

    knitty kitty =^.^=
