Saturday, March 3, 2012

w i n d 's s t o r m

i felt a rush in my head as
the barometric pressure
dropped rapidly.
it'd been warm for a few days in
the groundhog month.
the shortest month.
the love month.
the month of betrayal.

every february i am beguiled
as her cold grey churlish character turns docile and
sunny days move through
beckoning  me to clean garden beds,
plumping buds and forcing bulbs to emerge
from the comfort of their sleepy little burrows.

the  siren song of a warm friendly south wind
changed the tune of the chimes hangin on my porch.
and with rake in one hand and trowel in the other
i stand fighting my urge to make plans,
and get busy.

until this day,
again this day
when february laughs at me,
turns round once more and with a playful BITE

comes rushing back from the
West NorthWest
crashing into the warm south visitor
and pushes 'er OUT!

i heard her comin.
it was dusk when i heard her
blustering through the cedars,
whipping rain and snow in furious spits.

as we went to bed that evening, i opened the sash just a whisp
to hear her moan and whistle as she blasted by
slapping the tin on the roof of the barn
clangin all the chimes and threatening
to push down a tree or knock out the electricity

i snuggled under the down and smiled.

she didn't get me. 
i got a lot done while she was gone, and now i need a nice little break
to plan for the real spring
comin right behind her.


  1. The pictures and grouping of the words really add to the poem. Beautiful!
