Monday, April 18, 2011

"little children, love one another"

at the risk of being too transparent, i want to brooch a subject all of us have had to deal with, on different levels, many times in our lives.


some of us dwell on this more than others but i think it's a subject worth analyzing.
depending on the kind of home you were brought up in, you may or may not have a capacity for feeling it as others do.
it is somthing that motivates so many other behaviors.
in theory, if you have power, you don't have to feel rejection. if you have money, you can buy your way out of rejection.
if you have a perfect figure, the perfect hair, the finest clothes, capitol letters at the end of your name- don't all these things potentially guard us from rejection?

but in the end, no matter what we do or where we are, we will be rejected in one form or another.

i hate rejection because i can be insecure about who i am.
when i am rejected, (or think i am being rejected) i start thinking about how i can change so i won't be rejected anymore.
or maybe even go so far as the old 'well they'll be sorry when i'm dead' routine. (i'm laughing here) because, (be honest) haven't we all thought that at one time or another?

i could go into lists and lists of what or why people could be rejected, from personal hygiene, to rotten penmanship.

was this the thorn in paul's side?

 it makes me groan when i think about being rejected--but worse yet--oh no! how many times i have rejected someone else..
the being rejected can make me wince with tears, but the knowledge of how many times i have rejected someone for some petty reason or even unforgiveness, can set my teeth to gnash.

i would really rather focus on my own sin, than on being the victim of it.

john the revelator, when he was so old he had to be carried to meetings on a mat, only had one thing to say, when the congregation would ask him for his amazing wisdom.
"little children, love one another"

even in church, we can turn our backs on one another-in fact, sometimes i see it there more than anywhere. {there but for the grace of God go i.}

i think it's the thing we have to overcome ; with our hand in the hand of the man that stilled the water. :)
i can't do this thing alone, but i know my savior can work it in me.
if i will but ask.
and in the asking, He will give us new ways to see, new ways to feel His Love everlasting.
and above all, in asking we will be in right relationship to the one. . . who was and is rejected .
oh how deep, and wide and vast and high is the depth of His love.

little children, (please) love one another.


  1. Rejection can be intentional, by someone, toward someone. But I have come to realize that most often the pain of what I am perceiving to be rejection is coming only from me. Perhaps caused by my expectations of another person in how they "should be responding to me". The fear of rejection stems from the fear of not being loved. If I'm not getting love from you then I will not be able to survive. What falsehoods we tell ourselves. We are LOVE. Why do we think that to experience love everyone else must supply a constant source of reassurance for us to be complete. Only in self examination will we know of we intentionally reject some (in an effort to get what we want) or if we constantly feel rejected by others that may have no idea that we are feeling this way. Either way, it just doesn't work. Examine your motives. And, yes love one another. This must start with loving yourself and knowing where your true source of love comes from. Hold only yourself accountable for your feelings.
    With love, Martin

  2. thankyou for your wise thoughts marti.
    truly it is best to be able to have no expectations of others. i'm not sure i'm very good at it but it is something i'm trying to be better at. in my own way of thinking, it would be good for me to remember my source of love, who is my Lord and savior.
    He supplies all my needs. He loves though He is rejected and with all my heart i hope to live out my days, growing in and reflecting that love and confidence in my creator, rather than being ineffectual through morose selfpity. thankyou again for responding.. . yay!
    love, gigi

  3. You always have the right words! What a blessing that is and what a blessing you are!

  4. Yeah, the greatest thing he ever said, in my opinion!

    and I heard he loves us, too.
